Tuesday, March 17, 2009

p week!

Periphery is a great boundary at the end of a surface and/or area. Courtyards are an example of periphery because they are enclosed on all sides by surrounding buildings or walls. Pertaining to periphery created around the courtyard at Palazzo Medici, “Inside, the rooms were arranged around a central court, which opened up at the bottom through an encircling arcade of delicate Corinthian columns,” (Roth 376).

pe⋅riph⋅er⋅y - the external boundary of any surface or area.

In architecture, we learn all about the interior and exterior of a space. The periphery or the boundary becomes important through design, texture, size and shape. It is what allows one to know this is where the form starts, this is where it ends, and this is what makes it different from it’s surrounding environment. Forza Iltalia! This definitely holds true to the Duomo in Florence Italy. While the rest of Italy is made up of three to four floor villas with generically the same shape and spanish tile roofs, the Duomo is a massive structure that pertrudes into the sky. It also brings a great deal of contrast through it’s dome shape and it’s unique range of color and texture. 


You fantasize about a man with a Park Avenue apartment and a nice big stock portfolio...For me, it's a fireman with a nice big hose. [Samantha]

 Sex and the City quotes

port⋅fo⋅li⋅o - a flat, portable case for carrying loose papers, drawings, etc.

Throughout the semester, I have done an array of work to build up my portfolio. As I look back I can see what my talents are as well as the things I may need to work on.  I believe that a portfolio is more than just an array of papers in a case, but rather displays someone’s many gifts. I also use my blog as my portfolio where I can actually talk about what I have done.  As the years keep going our portfolios become larger and we have many things to look back on and to show others what we can do. This could also help in the future if you were going for an interview for an internship or a job.  Portfolios come in many shapes and sizes for example mine come in an 24 x 36 case while Michael Angelo's is scattered all over italy.



I never failed once. It just happened to be a 2000-step process.

 Thomas Alva Edison quotes

proc⋅ess  - a systematic series of actions directed to some end

Every outcome once had a process.  Throughout architecture there has been a great deal of process through experimentation, editing, and pushing the boundaries.  This was greatly expressed throughout the renaissance.  The arch and the columns have been edited throughout time and eventually perfected and also changed. it took a lot of process to get from something like the temple of Hera to the temple of Athena in the Acropolis.  In studio we have to show not only our final product but also the process that we took to get there such as our midterm project- panel portal.



"The practice of drawing, as described by Vitruvius, also sounds remarkably modern, for he writes of ground plans (ichnographical) being laid out with compass and ruler, of elevation drawings (orthographia) being 'a vertical image of the front', and of perspective (scaenographia) with shaded and retreating lines converging at a vanishing point,” (Roth 122).

“Intarsia Trompe L’oeil, in which perspective is used to give the effect of three-dimensionality” (Blakemore 100). 

per⋅spec⋅tive - a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface.  To give your design more depth and a realistic feel, one would draw in perspective. The most common are One and two point perspective but there is also such as thing as three point perspective.  Perspective can also be used successfully when taking pictures. When it was time for me to take a picture of my portal panel I though of different angles and perspectives to shoot it in to really showcase my work. 

professional is someone who can do his best work when he doesn't feel like it.

 Alistair Cooke quotes

pro⋅fes⋅sion⋅al – white-collar, expert

The first day i walked into the doors of the STAC building i knew i belonged. The one thing i do remember from that day was when Tommy said " The art students here are the blue collar, but we're the white collar" For the past few weeks in Susan’s class we’ve been drawing and studying different aspects of buildings on campus- mine being the E. U. C. also known as the Elliot university Center.  We studied such things as detail, circulation, context, and scale and choose  selected images within our groups. With these pictures, we then had to design a board that celebrated that building and showcased the works on it. This was something like what we would have to do if we were presenting a design idea to a potential client’ it’s all about being professional!

[P]lease Summarize!

The periphery of my education here at UNCG will eventually come to an end. I'll have to leave my familiar habitat at the studio art center with nothing but my portfolio. Looking back into the past at my five years of experience and countless lessons i have learned I'll be pushed out into the real world expected to become what they call a " professional." 


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